Last term, the College introduced a new competition for our Year 9, Middle and Senior School students to help clean up the school and make sure rubbish goes into the correct bins.
Students at both campuses were invited to submit their best idea to the College Maintenance team to help reduce litter across the grounds. What was the winning prize? A free canteen lunch for themselves and a friend!
Not only was the team thrilled with the number of entries for the competition, but they were amazed at the level of detail with some of the suggestions.
We extend a big congratulations to our competition winners, Nethya (Year 6, Berwick Campus) and Maheera (Year 6, Pakenham Campus).
Nethya suggested that all students participate in a 10 minute ‘Drop Everything and Clean’ session after recess. Maheera proposed that a ‘Eco-Hero Academy’ is created with teams to go on missions to reduce waste, competing against each other using an app.
Students went as far as surveying their peers to further support their ideas, which is why encouragement awards went to Trent (Year 10, Pakenham Campus) and Rachel (Year 6, Berwick Campus). The team was equally impressed with Rachel’s idea of placing basketball hoops above bins to encourage proper waste disposal.
Well done to our awardees and thank you to everyone for your submissions! We look forward to implementing some of these new ideas early next year.