
The alumni community at Beaconhills is growing quickly! There are so many personal and professional benefits from staying connected.

Alumni reunions

Alumni reunions have become popular events at Beaconhills. Reunions are held at the 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 year mark. There are also other special College events where alumni are welcomed.

Alumni are also increasingly part of major community service events and other outreach and service programs. If you don’t want to miss news of upcoming events, register your details below.

The 2025 reunion dates are:

Friday 28 March  – Class of 2005 – 20 Year Reunion
Friday 30 May – Class of 2020 – 5 Year Reunion
Friday 17 October – Class of 2024 – 1 Year Reunion
Friday 14 November – Class of 2015 – 10 Year Reunion


Open Day 

The College  holds an Open Day each year towards the end of April/beginning of May. Alumni are welcome to attend, reconnect with the school and perhaps even find a few familiar faces.

To find out more about the next Open Day, contact


Get involved

As our alumni community expands into the tens of thousands, so too does our vibrant alumni program. We welcome your ‘time, talent or treasure’ to help contribute to the ongoing success of the College.

Why not volunteer to share your personal or professional wisdom with current students? Beaconhills runs Alumni Breakfast Series events throughout the year. Our students would appreciate your expertise and guidance as part of our mentoring program, with business mentorship in the form of traineeships or cadetships invited.

You may also wish to support various fundraising initiatives, such as the Community Education Support Fund (CESF)  which helps College families doing it tough due to illness or a sudden change in financial circumstances.

We always love to hear stories from our alumni about where life has taken them. Alumni news is regularly published in the College magazine Lux Luceat and on our socials. Share your story by emailing the College engagement team

Connect with alumni on social media

The Beaconhills Alumni facebook group is one great way to connect to other students, hear about reunions or take a trip down memory lane with some old photographs.

Volunteer your time or talent

We welcome enquiries from alumni who would like to be guest speakers, mentors to students, or give back in other ways.

Express your interest by submitting the form below.

Update your details

If you have moved, changed numbers or just haven’t yet had time to let us know your contact details, now is your chance. Use the link below to register.

Alumni stories

Our alumni are carving their own paths in many interesting ways. These videos below share their stories.

Blayne Bertoncello

Accomplished chef Blayne Bertoncello has made sustainability the foundation of his menu at his successful Beaconsfield restaurant.

Kaitlyn Frawley

Kaitlyn talks about how she has carved out a rewarding career in sport and recreation after her time at the College.

Cassandra Catic

Commercial photographer Cassandra Catic credits her Beaconhills Media teacher for inspiring her creative career choice.

Jadyen Newstead

Particle physicist Jayden Newstead’s fascinating research enables him to explore the mysteries of the universe.

Kirsten Hawker

Kirsten Hawker competed at the Olympic Swimming Trials, but the career she eventually chose may surprise you.

Brett Ashby

Brett Ashby’s visual arts teachers helped kick-start his exciting  international career as an artist.