College fees
Fees for Prep to Year 12, early learning and childcare programs at Little Beacons and Outside School Hours Care.
Discover our College fees
What do the school fees cover?
Fees include tuition, camps, excursions and incursions. Some overseas trips (optional) are partly subsidised by the College. The only extras are uniform and books. You will also need to buy an iPad if your child is in Years 3-8 (and doesn’t have one). If you choose extracurricular activities such as private music or tennis lessons, or join an after-hours sporting team, these are charged separately.
Do you offer fee discounts for families who have more than one child attending?
Yes, we offer a discount of 25% for the third child, and 50% for fourth and subsequent children.
Do you offer payment options?
Yes, annual*, quarterly, monthly, fortnightly, weekly.
*A 2% discount is applicable for annual payments made in advance.