Child Protection Policy
Child safe
Child safe policies
View or download Beaconhills child protection policies and reporting procedures. Please contact us here if you wish to provide any feedback.
We ask all visitors and volunteers who work in direct contact with students to complete a short registration process before attending onsite – please select the appropriate form below.
These forms must be completed by:
- incursion presenter (onsite)
- excursion provider (offsite)
- education tutor
- music/performing arts service
- umpire/referee
- sport coach/team manager
- allied health or specialist intervention to students
- staff/PD trainer/presenter
- volunteer (parent)
- volunteer (other)
- contractors/third party provider.
Register here.
You are currently enrolled in university and wish to do short-term classroom placement/experience. Register here.
You are a contractor or subcontractor providing maintenance, repairs or services to the College buildings and/or equipment. Register here.