Last week Beaconhills College has celebrated the return to campus. There is a rich satisfaction in seeing the whole school community reconnecting. It is heart-warming to witness our students happily interacting and engaged in a wide range of activities, though it remains important to recognise the impact of last year’s uncertainty and move ahead gently guided by health advice.
Open Days in the region are now forthcoming. Families have the opportunity to evaluate options for their children’s education and potential life choices. These are important and sometimes difficult decisions for parents to make. I am a believer of choice and encourage families to look broadly at all available options, exploring the learning environments, facilities and most importantly the cultural fit and holistic core values.
We encourage you to join us this Saturday 1 May at our Open Day between 10am – 2pm at both Berwick and Pakenham campuses. We will be providing a unique opportunity for families to join student-led tours where parents can gain more insight into the offerings of our College community. Bookings are essential so please register at:
We look forward to meeting prospective families and hope that the term ahead is positive, productive and enjoyable for our students.