As part of their Religious and Values Education (RAVE) studies on Islam, a number of Year 6 students took on an interesting holiday challenge.
RAVE teacher and College Chaplain, Rev. Steve Terrell asked students to identify a value of Islam, make a plan and implement it their own lives.
Zach Pawluk chose ‘charity’. He researched how it is reflected in the practices of Islam and implemented an action plan. He helped in a community share space based in Rowville – where items are shared and packs of food are donated to the less fortunate. He was responsible for packing hampers with fruit, bread and eggs on a Saturday.
Zach told how one grateful recipient was in tears: “This made me want to continue. So many people are finding it hard during these times and this is the least I can do. I’m so glad that I have been given a chance to help”.