Growing up is hard. As adults, sometimes we forget how hard growing up can be. Our young people encounter various challenges when making decisions. A lack of life experience, knowledge or understanding can leave them ‘feeling their way’ towards a decision, calling upon those around them for advice, whether it be their peers, or – of more concern – sometimes online influencers. Issues can arise when an adult, whether it is a parent or teacher, is intentionally kept out of the decision-making process.
Of course, this is where high risk behaviours can emerge, when decisions are not checked by the wisdom and experience of those who do know. Our young people will push boundaries but how do we ensure they are thinking about the healthy choice? What do they need to really understand? For example, despite the overwhelming statistics and awareness around the significant risks of vaping, young people continue to be attracted to this. Therefore, it’s not about knowledge, it’s more about a deeper understanding.
So, what would we like our young people to truly understand? They don’t have to make any choice if they don’t want to. They are not forced to do anything and they are able to stand firm in the face of peer pressure to make their own choices. They don’t have to compromise their own health to find their place in a peer group.
They can, should, and must chart their own course with the confidence that they have made the right choices that are best for their health. A healthy lifestyle they have embraced and carried into adulthood.